
News Article: New Broward County Mayor and Vice Mayor

New Broward County Mayor and Vice Mayor

December 16, 2021

Congratulations to Commissioner Michael Udine on his selection as the new Mayor of Broward County! And congratulations to Commissioner Lamar Fisher on his selection as Vice Mayor.

Vacation Rental Update by Terry Cantrell, HCCA President

Vacation Rental Update by Terry Cantrell, HCCA President

August 17, 2021

There are a number of developments regarding the ongoing problem of vacation or short-term rentals here in Hollywood. I will review each one . . .

It's Rainy Season. Drain and Cover to Prevent Mosquitoes!

It's Rainy Season. Drain and Cover to Prevent Mosquitoes!

July 21, 2021

This is the time of year when those pesky mosquitoes find even more opportunity to breed, and most of the time, we can help fight the bite.

News Article: Disaster Preparedness/Hurricane Season

Disaster Preparedness/Hurricane Season

May 13, 2021

Hurricane season is already upon us! As we emerge from a public health crisis, we cannot forget the threat of natural disaster that exists by living in Florida.

News Article: Moderna & Pfizer Vaccines--how do they work?

Moderna & Pfizer Vaccines—how do they work?

April 12, 2021

All Florida residents that are 18 and over are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. All three types of COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at fighting this virus.

Waste Pro Recycling Guidelines

Waste Pro Recycling Guidelines

March 12, 2021


Presentation: Civic Affairs Administrator, Alison Saffold

Presentation: Civic Affairs Administrator, Alison Saffold

February 15, 2021

• Staying Safe
• 2020 Accomplishments
• 2021 Initiatives
• Staying Connected

Broward COVID-19 Vaccination

Broward COVID-19 Vaccination

January 21, 2021

Appointments for COVID-19 vaccination sites operated by Florida Department of Health in Broward County (DOH-Broward) can be...