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Broward COVID-19 Vaccination Telephone Appointment

Broward COVID-19 Vaccination Telephone Appointment

Appointments for COVID-19 vaccination sites operated by Florida Department of Health in Broward County (DOH-Broward) can be scheduled using the State appointment telephone system. Seniors age 65+ and frontline healthcare workers can call 866-201-6313 to request an appointment. For those requiring TTY access, the number is 833-476-1526. When calling for an appointment, you will be asked via an automated system to enter information using your telephone keypad. Live agents will then call you back to schedule an appointment once appointments become available.

People who receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at DOH-Broward sites through the new telephone appointment system will be called by the Call Center about 14 days after their first dose to schedule a second dose appointment.

People who received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine at DOH-Broward sites WITHOUT making an appointment using the telephone appointment system DO NOT need to make a new appointment for their second dose. They should return to the same site on the date written on their vaccination card at the same time as they arrived for their first dose. YOU MUST bring your vaccination card with you.

State of Florida Surgeon General Scott A. Rivkees, M.D. issued a Florida Department of Health Public Health Advisory on January 21, 2021, prioritizing Florida residents for receiving the vaccine in the state of Florida.

Prior to providing the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the provider will ensure the recipient is either a Florida resident or a health care provider working in the state who is providing direct patient care.

Residency requirements are defined in Florida Statutes 381.986(5)(b) and do provide some accommodation of seasonal residents. Individuals who received a first dose before this Public Health Advisory was issued will receive the second dose.