Although mosquito season seems to be year-round in South Florida, it becomes a problem during the rainy summer months. This is the time of year when those pesky mosquitoes find even more opportunity to breed, and most of the time, we can help fight the bite. The Florida Department of Health encourages you to follow some simple tips to reduce mosquito breeding and prevent the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus disease, Zika, Dengue, and malaria:
• Drain water from garbage cans, house gutters, pool covers, coolers, toys, flowerpots, or any other containers where sprinkler or rainwater has collected.
• Discard old tires, drums, bottles, cans, pots and pans, broken appliances, and other items that aren’t being used.
• Empty and clean birdbaths and your pet’s water bowls at least once or twice a week.
• Protect boats and vehicles from rain with tarps that don’t accumulate water.
• Maintain the chemistry in your swimming pool to ensure water balance. Empty plastic pools when not in use.
• Repair broken screens on windows, doors, porches, and patios.
• Cover your skin when you have to be outside when mosquitoes are active.
• Apply mosquito repellent to bare skin and clothing. Repellents with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-methane-diol, and IR3535 are effective.
The Broward County Mosquito Control Division sprays areas with reported concentrations of mosquitoes, frequently checks known mosquito breeding sites, treats standing water and sprays in areas requested by residents. To request mosquito spraying in your neighborhood, please use the online Mosquito Spray Request Form or call Broward County at 954.765.4062.